January 23, 2018

FEMA: Encouraging Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness for Coastal Communities

Following an intense earthquake that occurred in the Gulf of Alaska, which prompted tsunami watches, advisories and warnings across many state coastlines, FEMA continues to highlight safety tips for those who live in or visit coastal communities.  While today’s immediate threat has passed, the situation serves as a reminder to all that there are steps that can be taken now, to prepare for future events.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, tsunamis are one of the most powerful and destructive natural forces, delivering a series of extremely long waves which can cause dangerous coastal flooding and powerful currents that can last for several hours or days.  Caused by an underwater disturbance such as an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite, tsunamis radiate outward in all directions from the point of origin and can move across entire ocean basins.

If a major earthquake or landslide occurs close to shore, areas are at greater risk if they are less than 25 feet above sea level and within a mile of the shoreline. The first wave in a series could reach the beach in a few minutes, even before a warning is issued.

FEMA encourages citizens to protect themselves and their families by taking the following steps to ensure they are ready in the event of a tsunami:

Familiarize yourself with tsunami notification information:

The FEMA App (available in English & Spanish) provides National Weather Service alerts, safety tips for what to do before/during/after more than 25 natural & man-made emergencies, emergency kit and family communication plan checklists, and more: www.fema.gov/mobile-app.

For more information about tsunamis and how to prepare visit www.ready.gov/tsunamis.

This post was originally published here.