findCRA will present an educational session on Community Reinvestment Act best practices in conjunction with the annual CRA & Fair Lending Colloquium, hosted by Wolters Kluwer, on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at the Omni Nashville. The breakfast session will focus on how banks of all sizes can benefit from embracing new technologies and data-driven strategies in building community partnerships as part of a bank’s Community Reinvestment Act program.
“We are looking forward to sharing our thoughts about how the future of CRA lies in utilizing technology to streamline community building,” said Brian Waters, President of findCRA. “We know that community reinvestment will always be grounded in relationships and collaboration, but at the same time, we have created innovative ways to empower banks to spend less time researching and more time in helping their communities make an impact.”
The findCRA session will cover how to create a community reinvestment culture that drives employee engagement and morale; the future of CRA supported by RegTech; and strategies to use technology to build and measure the impact of community relationships. In addition, findCRA staff will be on hand throughout the conference to discuss its online tools and programs that support Community Reinvestment Act professionals throughout the nation.
“Access to community data and smart technologies has reached an unprecedented level, giving findCRA a real opportunity to transform and propel the way community development work is done,” said Ben Loehle, CEO of findCRA. “We couldn’t be more excited to address this topic at one of the nation’s most respected and comprehensive events for CRA professionals.”
Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, findCRA brings order to the innumerable resources and opportunities available for Community Reinvestment Act participants by organizing everything in a centralized, online location. The company focuses on educating and qualifying nonprofits to demonstrate their alignment with CRA, and equipping banks with tools and resources to support relationship building with those nonprofits. Within the coming months, findCRA will review nonprofits in all 50 states to support community reinvestment efforts for banks nationwide.
The Wolters Kluwer CRA & Fair Lending Colloquium is in its twenty-first year and brings together over 700 compliance professionals and industry experts from banks, mortgage companies, credit unions, regulatory agencies and community groups to share information about regulatory developments and oversight in CRA, fair lending and HMDA. During three days of strategic general sessions and tactical breakout sessions, speakers share best practices and strategic insights for remaining compliant in today’s changing regulatory environment. This year’s event will be held from November 5th through November 8th. Find out more and register to attend at www.cracolloquium.com.