May 15, 2024

HUD: $1.1 Billion Announced for Tribal Housing and Community Development

Funding will address housing challenges in Tribal communities, marking an historic increase in federal support.

Today, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman welcomed the Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee at HUD Headquarters where she announced awarding a record $1.1 billion in funding for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program and a $75 million funding opportunity for the Indian Community Development Block (ICDBG) program to support housing and community development projects.

“By prioritizing funding and support for housing in Tribal communities, HUD is living up to its mission of ensuring that everyone in this country has access to affordable housing options,” said Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman. “As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, we are investing in the continued health of Tribal communities across our country. Today’s announcement emphasizes the Biden-Harris Administration’s dedication to strengthening the Nation-to-Nation relationship with Tribes and making key investments in Indian Country.”

The IHBG program is the primary means by which the Federal Government fulfills its trust responsibilities to provide adequate housing to Native Americans and is the single largest source of Indian housing assistance. The $1.1 billion in funding represents a 40-percent increase from last year and marks the largest ever funding investment in Indian housing. Funding can be used for affordable housing activities including new housing construction, rehabilitation, and housing services, and more.

The $75 million that will be awarded through the ICDBG program will provide eligible grantees with assistance in developing viable American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Projects in Indian Country tend to focus on affordable housing rehabilitation, and construction of community buildings and infrastructure.

At the onset of this Administration, we witnessed unprecedented housing challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, rising rents, historically high interest rates, affordable housing shortages, and the cumulative effects of a deep history of housing discrimination. Millions of Americans were behind on their rents and mortgages and HUD stood in the gap. Issues facing the American people at the start of 2021 burdened families of all income levels, with a particular impact on low- and moderate-income families. This was particularly true for Tribal communities.

Since that time, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken great strides to affect positive change in Tribal housing, including:

HUD Provided Historic Investments in Tribal Communities

HUD Made Homeownership More Accessible and Affordable for Native American Families

HUD Honors Trust Responsibilities and Promotes Self-Determination

HUD Worked to Strengthen Nation-to-Nation Relationships

HUD provided relief to Tribal communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

HUD works to serve Native Veterans every day

This post was originally published here.