CFPB: Got a Check in the Mail from the CFPB? Here’s How to Tell if it’s Legit

If you have received a check from the CFPB, it is because we have taken an enforcement action against a person or company for violating a consumer financial protection law, and you are eligible for compensation as a result of this violation. This check may come in the mail directly from the CFPB or from…

CFPB: After Hurricane Harvey, a Financial Toolkit

Once you have addressed your most urgent needs, there are steps to secure your financial obligations after a natural disaster. By Kristin Dohn When a catastrophe like Hurricane Harvey happens, your world can be turned upside down. During these tough times, it may be difficult to know who to trust and where to look for…

CFPB: Things to Consider before Borrowing a Reverse Mortgage to Delay Collecting Social Security

For most people, the amount of money you bring in each month decreases after you retire. Yet your expenses, particularly for health care, may not follow suit. So the question on the minds of many approaching this life stage is: how do I replace or supplement my monthly income when I retire? The most obvious…

CFPB: Use an Ordinary Trip to the Grocery Store to Explain Finances to your Kid as you go

We all know our kids are always watching and learning (even when we wish they weren’t). This applies to the way you use and manage money as well. Every day, you make decisions about money that might not be visible to your kids. For example, they may not know that you set a budget for…

CFPB: Tips for Tax Preparers to Use to Help People Save and Build Assets During Tax Time

Saving money can be hard, especially for people who are living paycheck to paycheck. Often, people who are struggling to make ends meet don’t have enough money to save, or a way to transfer money automatically into a savings account. That’s why once a year when consumers file their tax returns may be a time…

CFPB: Working to Better Serve People Through Financial Coaching

At the CFPB, we recognize the value of financial coaching. Financial coaching is an emerging practice in which trained financial coaches work collaboratively with clients to help them identify and reach their personal financial goals. That’s why in April, we hosted the 2017 Financial Coaching Symposium in Madison, Wisconsin. The event brought together financial coaching…

CFPB: Too Many Student Loan Borrowers Struggling, Not Enough Benefitting from Affordable Repayment Options

For five years, we’ve heard from borrowers like you about the problems you encounter when repaying student debt, particularly when you run into trouble and need help finding a way to make ends meet. Today, we released a new report showing how student loan repayment has changed over the last 15 years. In our report,…

CFPB: Three Steps to Help Make Tough Choices in Tight Moments

When bills are piling up, it’s important to remember that you’re still in control. While you are ultimately responsible for paying all of your bills on time, there are things you can do if you fall short one month and don’t have enough money to cover everything. Follow our three easy tips that can help…

CFPB: Prototypes Unveiled of New “Know Before You Owe” Overdraft Disclosure

New CFPB Study Shows Opted-In Frequent Overdrafters Typically Pay Almost $450 More in Fees WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today unveiled new Know Before You Owe overdraft disclosure prototypes designed to improve the model form that banks and credit unions already provide to consumers weighing overdraft coverage. The Bureau is currently…