April 29, 2024

FHFA: Fair Lending Final Rule Released

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today released its Fair Lending, Fair Housing, and Equitable Housing Finance Plans Final Rule, together with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) Equitable Housing Finance Plan updates for 2024 and Performance Reports for 2023.

The final rule codifies in regulation FHFA’s fair lending oversight requirements for the Enterprises and the Federal Home Loan Banks; the Enterprises’ Equitable Housing Finance Plans (Plans); collection of homeownership education, housing counseling, and language preference information from the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF); and new Federal Home Loan Bank reporting requirements.

Since the release of their Plans in June 2022, the Enterprises have made significant progress towards ensuring all borrowers and renters have access to fair, sustainable, and equitable housing opportunities. The Enterprises have served close to 2.6 million families under the Plans by educating consumers, reducing closing costs, introducing innovation into underwriting, and combating appraisal bias. The Enterprises also propose new actions for 2024, including a focus on promoting homeownership for first-generation homebuyers. 

“As we reflect on the significance of Fair Housing Month, FHFA and its regulated entities will continue to address barriers that make affordable housing difficult to find,” said FHFA Director Sandra L. Thompson. “These initiatives are critically important at a time when housing affordability remains a persistent challenge.”

FHFA will seek public feedback to inform the next three-year Plans through a Request for Input and listening session. FHFA expects to hold a public listening session in June 2024, and anticipates releasing the next Plans in January 2025.

Related Resources:

Fair Lending, Fair Housing, and Equitable Housing Finance Plans Final Rule

Fannie Mae​ 2​024 Equitable Housing Finance Plan

Fannie Mae 2023 Equitable Housing Performance Report

Freddie Mac 2024 Equitable Housing Finance Plan

Freddie Mac 2023 Equitable Housing Performance Report

​ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Equitable Housing Finance Plans FHFA Request for Input

This post was originally published here.